Several years ago my Brother blessed me with a Marlin Lever Action in 35 Remington. Over the years we have gifted each other firearms. I believe he would admit regretting every firearm that he or I have ever parted with.
For several decades we had the traveling 45-70. Also a Marlin. Sweet gun. I miss it. It was originally a wedding gift from his first bride. The rifle was great but the wife didn't work out. When a new bride came into the picture the traveling 45-70 moved to my house. I enjoyed that weapon. It was its own fireworks show if fired at dusk. After a while wife #2 was gone. Wife # 1 starting coming around again and the prize quickly changed homes again. The renewal failed but a new lady eventually came into the picture. The wedding gift again had to go. Unfortunately it was sold to an outsider. I still miss that weapon. Spouses come and go but a rifle is eternal.
After an inquiry about the 45-70 and an admission of it's sale a beautiful Marlin in 35 Remington arrived. It lived unattended in the back of a gun locker for several years. A new hunting club's terrain and vegetation created a need for a brush gun suitable for deer and black bear. It shoots fairly flat out to about 150 yards and its 200 grain bullet will maintain its course through light brush. After dusting it off and sighting it in, it produce a tight group. Most of our shooting is fairly short range and I choose to sight it in at only 50 yards. A shot group within a one inch diameter was produced. See the picture below. Most would believe without seeing but my friends would need proof.
It turns out it is a shooter. I love that gun and my brother too.
Keep your powder dry,
Gary Barker